11 Pounds of Love & 22.5 inches long
A Woman’s journey through Childbirth, Come What May She is Willing, Available and Ready… for her answer is always Yes!
What Does It Take for a Woman to give birth… and to give birth naturally at home?
Many feelings are pouring through me now, I am in a Hallelujah moment of praise God, Praise God, Praise God and Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you Lord! I am filled with love for my God, for mothers, all mothers and women who labor and give birth. So many tears at the surface ready to explode from me because I witnessed God’s miraculous grace of birth yet again…. My Lord, my Lord.
I must tell you, there is so much in my soul, so much in my heart, so much in the very seat of my existence. I am ripe with the Spirit of Life coursing through my veins in this very moment. Awed am I by the birth process, in complete adoration for my beloved client Sarah! The Lord Thy God moved upon her, within her, around her, was her, is her! Mother Earth, Divine Mother birthing Her beloved son from within her womb and Sarah repeatedly, resoundingly says Yes! Come what may! Yes! Come what may! Yes! No matter how long, Yes! No matter that the previous birth was four hours, Yes! For her child, she surrendered herself, gave it up and let go. I will birth Holy Mother as you direct me! I will so submerge myself into Your trust that I will not know myself, for I will only know myself as Thee, The Divine Feminine.
Just as You (Mother Earth) grow forth as a flower, a weed, a tree, a fruit from Your Womb of deep dark nurturing soil, in spite of the conditions around You, You birth and do so naturally without, I may add fertilizer, or so called nutrients that man may give so that You can flourish more freely. Mother Earth need not bother with such things. She will grow Her life and give birth in the most extraordinary circumstances… and “comfort” being the least importance of them all! Mother will bring forth a green blade of grass through cement because She can. She will travel along, just underneath the Earth’s surface, 12 inches below the cement until she finds a crack in the opening and she will come up from within the sliver of a crack to announce I AM. No barrier, no obstruction, no fire, no flood, no blizzard, will keep Mother from birthing her children! I am the seed of Life and I will have My way! I, Mother Earth, will shake, rattle, roll, weep through rain, floods, blow through hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, burn through fire to realign the core of My soil (My Womb), so that My children within Earth, upon Earth will be safe and renewed. It will look to the human eye like catastrophe and complete devastation! But know this I Am always in labor somewhere in and around this World. If the effects of My spinal adjustment at the Earth’s core is not felt yet in the West, it will be, in the North it will be, in the South, it will be, in the East it will be. Japan is My child, as is this entire World, this entire Universe is My child/My Womb… because I AM. I AM everything and I AM nothing all at the same time. Don’t try to figure it out, it just IS. When the pressure within and upon My Womb gets to be too much pressure, I Self-heal and realign Myself, My spine.
As a woman labors, so do I. My Uterus (Earth-Womb) contracts (earthquake), when My Uterus squeezes the life I carry within it (all of you, my children are squeezed and must breathe). I have a bloody show and My water breaks (tsunami, hurricanes, tornados, rain). I will do what I have always done since the beginning of time (whenever that was) to continue to Self-heal, maintain balance, to be harmonious within My Universe. You see, there is an Divine Order to all things. As pressure builds, it must be released… so be it.
Not all babies make it through labor, not all human beings will make it through My labor and contractions. It is not a bad thing, it is the way of Life. I AM calling all to more loving, more heart-centeredness. When man-made inventions become too heavy upon My Earth-Womb, I will adjust Myself and do what is natural and all children will adjust with their Mother. Some go kicking and screaming, but no matter, the adjustment will take place sooner or later (in consciousness and physically). I AM LOVE. All of My children are Love. I have birthed each of you from My Womb and made a home (Earth) for you. The time will come when you will take care of your home (Earth) and truly know that all of your brothers and sisters are welcome upon it. For I have deemed it so. Now, your brothers and sisters in Japan, Libya are experiencing many challenges, pray, give, shed tears for them, hug them, love them and, let them know they have done nothing to "deserve this".
To My Beloved Child Sarah! You give birth as I Direct! You are a teacher and leader among women Sarah, a leader to women upon the planet who choose to give birth to their babies (My Beloved Children). It was My energy that infused you, Sarah, My grace, My core, My strength. Sarah said yes to “the Divine Mother,” no matter what come, she was steadfast Mother to bring forth her earthly son through My Womb as her.
11 pounds of baby is nothing when I AM has taken over and I AM has fully taken over when woman-mother has surrendered her soul to the I AM ,– she trusts herself, she trusts in Divine Mother… and together as one Sarah, we birthed Our son. I am proud of you Spiritual Woman, Daughter of Mine! Well Done! Well Done! Well Done!