Tuesday, April 16, 2013

FREE! Pregnancy Support Group Teleconference!


  A Pregnancy, Labor and Childbirth Experience in which You Choose to Anchor in Love instead of Fear
Faith instead of Doubt
instead of Self-Criticism
Forgiveness instead of Judgments
 Gratitude instead of Complaints

Is this a Support Group that You would want to be a part of? To Birth in the Energy and Activity of Love?  Without Leaving Your Own Home?

"Remember... it takes time to build trust and faith to embrace the childbirth experience, so use your 9+ months consciously and wisely!"

WHEN:   Thursday, April 18, 2013
TIME:     6:30pm-7:30pm (pst)
PLACE:   From the comfort of your own home!
TOPIC:   Checking in with My Pregnant Self, Getting Clear
              About My Birth Intention. What Do I Want? 
              Getting Honest, Being Authentic While Pregnant!
Hosted By:  Angela J. Brown, RN, Birth Doula   

Upcoming Topics!
  • What are the 2 most important things you will need to do while you’re in labor?  
  • Are you bombarded with other peoples’ opinions about your pregnancy?
  • Are you overwhelmed with the constant negative pregnancy talk that others project onto you? Register and find out how you can manage these comments and remain grounded!
  • What are the 6 Labor & Childbirth MUST DOS?
  • Learn how to clear out the negative mental chatter.
  • What are my rights when having a hospital birth?
  • Is induction mandatory? 
  • To find out how, register for the upcoming support group!
    To Register for the upcoming support group, email: doulalovescreation@gmail.com
    On Subject Line type in: PST
    Please feel free to indicate a pregnancy topic that interests you. After you register, the teleconference call-in number and details will be emailed to you. 
    Thank you!

PURPOSE:  The purpose of these teleconferences are to support you through your pregnancy journey from the comfort of your own home. Through your ongoing commitment to yourself and baby, and participation in the pregnancy support teleconferences, you will embody greater love and trust in yourself, your body and the birthing process, be more grounded and centered during your pregnancy. By collectively coming together with other pregnant women, you are consciously choosing to raise your own pregnancy vibration and that of your child. You will be building mental and spiritual muscle so that you know and are prepared to have your highest and best childbirth experience!